Type Status Location Last Updated
This Community Information is being issued for Puckapunyal.
  • There is a grassfire at Puckapunyal Hassett Hill.
  • Firefighters are responding to this fire. 
  • Smoke may be visible from nearby communities and roads. 
There is no immediate threat to the community and no action is required.
This message was issued by Country Fire Authority.

Unless the situation changes, this will be the last message issued for this fire

Use multiple sources to stay informed: 
The following service can help you, or someone you know, access information during an emergency.
  • To access this information in other languages call the Translating and Interpreting Services on 131 450 (freecall) and ask them to call VicEmergency Hotline.
  • If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or have a speech/communication impairment contact National Relay Service for assistance and ask them to call the VicEmergency Hotline.