Relief & Recovery

General Information

General information

Financial help

For more information on emergency relief payments, visit Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.

Mental health and other support services

If you or a loved one needs extra support during this time, you can speak with:

  • your local doctor
  • a mental health professional
  • a counsellor or psychologist.

It can also be helpful to talk to someone who is independent, but still understanding.

The following services are here for you or others you know. You can also visit the Department of Health’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs, the Better Health Channel for information or visit the Australian Red Cross website for information and resources.


131 114

A 24-hour telephone service that offers confidential support and advice to help you deal with stress and personal challenges.

Australian Red Cross

1800 733 276

The Australian Red Cross supports and visits people in communities where disaster has occurred to check on their wellbeing and make referrals to other agencies.

Salvation Army Emergency Services

1800 825 955

The Salvation Army provides services for people during disaster and community recovery.

Victorian Council of Churches Emergencies Ministry

(03) 7037 6010

Provides psychosocial support including psychological first aid, emotional and spiritual care and personal support in relief and recovery centres and through community outreach, direct visits, community meetings and gatherings.

Beyond Blue

1300 224 636


An information line that offers expert information on depression; how to recognise the signs of depression, how to get help, how to help someone else and how to stay well.

Mens Line Australia

1300 789 978

A telephone support, information and referral service, helping men deal with their relationship problems.


1300 60 60 24

A 24-hour telephone service that allows people to discuss any health-related issue with a registered nurse for the cost of a local call.

Parentline Victoria

13 22 89

Available 8:00 am to midnight. A 7 day a week telephone service for parents and carers of children from birth to 18 years old, which offers confidential and anonymous counselling and support on parenting issues.

Kids Help Line

1800 551 800

A 24-hour telephone service that provides phone and online counselling service for young people aged 5 to 25.

Australian Psychological Society Referral Service

 1800 333 497

Access thousands of psychologists who are in private practice. Seek qualified and trusted psychologists for assistance in a range of areas.

Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre

1800 015 188

Emergencies put a lot of additional stress on close relationships and families as they struggle to deal with the stress. Safe Steps provides confidential support for women and children living with family violence.

Disaster Legal Help Victoria

1800 113 432

For free legal advice, assistance and referrals for people affected by a disaster.

RSPCA Victoria 03 9224 2222 Provides information on how to care for your pets in case of an emergency.

Partners in Wellbeing Helpline | Business Victoria

1300 375 330

The Partners in Wellbeing Helpline offers eligible sole traders, small business owners and their employees free and confidential support. You can speak with trained wellbeing coaches, financial counsellors and business advisers who understand your business and the unique pressures you face. The service is available 9am to 8pm on weekdays and from 9am to 5pm on Saturdays.

Partners in Wellbeing also assists with access and navigation to:

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing Hubs.

People can have varied reactions after a disaster.  If you or someone you know is feeling strong emotions there is practical information and advice for:

Advice for helping yourself after an emergency in languages other than English:

Returning home after an emergency

BetterHealth Channel and Victoria State Emergency Service provide detailed guidance when you are returning home after an emergency.

Energy Safe Victoria provides advice for households that are without power and steps to restoration following an emergency . 

Additional resources

A variety of factsheets and resources are available to assist you during and after an emergency:


Quick links

Multilingual Resources


After the fire

Bushfire aftermath - safety tips

Bushfires and public health

After a fire: returning home safely

After a fire: private drinking water and water tank safety



Returning home safely after a flood 

Septic tanks in flood affected areas

Returning home after a flood


Storms - plan and stay safe

Thunderstorm Asthma


What is Thunderstorm Asthma - multilingual resource

Extreme weather

How to cope and stay safe in extreme heat

Cold Weather


How to cope and stay safe in extreme heat

Power and utilities

Using alternative fuel and generators safely during a power outage 

Coping without electricity  

Sewage overflows at home 

Using alternative fuel and generators safely during a power outage 

Other disasters





Resilience and Recovery

Disaster and emergency recovery

Road to Resilience Podcast


If you or a loved one needs extra support, there are services that can help:

  • Reach out to family, friends or neighbours 
  • Contact your GP 
  • Your child and maternal health nurse 
  • Contact Lifeline on 131 114 
  • Kids Helpline 1800 551 800 
  • Contact Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636.

Last updated: 30 January 2025

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