Relief & Recovery

2024-25 Western Victoria bushfires

2024-25 Western Victoria bushfires

On this page

  • Emergency relief centres
  • Recovery centres
  • Financial help
  • Business support
  • Returning home after a bushfire
  • Health and wellbeing
  • Support for people impacted by family violence

Where to go for recovery information

Dimboola Recovery Centre

A recovery centre is open at Dimboola Library, 101 Lloyd Street, Dimboola.

Council will have staff at the Dimboola Library and Customer Service Centre this week who will continue to provide recovery services to the community.  

  • Friday 14 February 2025, 9am – 12pm and 2pm – 5pm 

If community members visit outside of these hours, staff will take your details and give you a call to arrange an appointment or provide support over the phone.

Staff will also be available at the Nhill Customer Service Centre during opening hours to provide recovery services to community members.

You can get recovery information and support at the centre from:

  • the Hindmarsh Shire Council
  • Uniting Vic
  • Victorian Government agencies.

Financial help

Emergency relief payments

Emergency relief payments are available for people impacted by the Western Victoria bushfires. You may be eligible if:

  • your principal place of residence was damaged or destroyed by the bushfire and you can’t live in it, or
  • your principal place of residence was in an evacuation warning area, and you evacuated your property, and 
  • you have unmet immediate relief needs.

An emergency relief payment can help you to pay for things you need most, including:

  • food
  • clothing
  • medication
  • accommodation

Emergency relief payments are designed to provide immediate financial help for eligible Victorians experiencing financial hardship due to the bushfires.

Emergency relief payments are based on a fixed amount for each member of your household. The payment is not calculated based on how much money you earn.

Payments are $680 per adult and $340 per child, up to a maximum of $2380 per eligible family.

To apply for a payment:

  • Visit a relief centre or recovery hub, or
  • Call the VicEmergency Hotline on1800 226 226(press 9 for an interpreter). You will be transferred to a Relief Payment Officer who can assist you with your application.

Have some ID ready, if you can, like:

  • driver’s license
  • Medicare card
  • letter or utility bill showing your address.

More information

For translated fact sheets on relief payments please visit the Personal Hardship Assistance Program page of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing website.

For more information on emergency relief payments or other relief services, you can:

Disaster Recovery Allowance

People who live or work in the following local government areas may be eligible for the Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA):

  • Ararat
  • Hindmarsh
  • Horsham
  • Macedon Ranges
  • Northern Grampians
  • Southern Grampians
  • West Wimmera.

The allowance provides up to 13 weeks of income support for workers and sole traders who have experienced loss of income due to the recent bushfires.

It is available to people who work or live in a declared Local Government Area and:

  • have lost some or all of their income as a direct result of the disaster, and
  • will earn less than the average Australian weekly income in the 13 weeks following this income loss.

Find information regarding eligibility and how to claim on the Services Australia website.

Support for businesses

Liquor licence waiver

If you are affected by disaster and hold a liquor licence you may request a waiver of your liquor licence renewal fee. Complete the fee waiver application on the Liquor Control Victoria website.

Resources for businesses

Business Victoria – Prepare, respond and recover – Useful information and resources for businesses to access after a major emergency.

Returning home after a bushfire

After a bushfire has passed, conditions may still be dangerous. If you have evacuated, do not return home until emergency services say it is safe to do so. When returning home, watch for hazards such as fire-affected trees or damaged roads and footpaths.

There may be damaged asbestos on a property following a fire. The safest way to have asbestos removed is to hire a licensed removalist.

Information and factsheets


If your property was damaged, the Insurance Council of Australia has information about:

You can also contact: 

Health and wellbeing

People can have varied reactions after a disaster. there is practical information and advice for:

Support services

Support for people impacted by family violence

There is a link between disasters and an increase in family violence. It can happen to anyone.

1800RESPECT is available for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people impacted by family violence. To talk to someone:

  • Call 1800 737 732
  • Text something like “hello” to 0458 737 732, or
  • Chat online at

Reach out for support

If you or a loved one needs extra support, there are services that can help:

Last updated 2:40pm Friday 14 February 2025

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