2024-25 Western Victoria bushfires
On this page
- Financial help
- Business support
- Returning home after a bushfire
- Health and wellbeing
- Support for people impacted by family violence
Financial help
Emergency relief payments
Applications for emergency relief payments have now closed.
Emergency relief payments are designed to provide immediate financial help for relief needs for eligible Victorians experiencing extreme financial hardship due to the 2024-25 Western Victoria bushfires.
More information
For more information or support, you can:
- Call VicEmergency on 1800 226 226 (press 9 for an interpreter)
- Contact your local council www.vic.gov.au/know-your-council
Disaster Recovery Allowance
People who live or work in the following local government areas may be eligible for the Disaster Recovery Allowance (DRA):
- Ararat
- Hindmarsh
- Horsham
- Macedon Ranges
- Northern Grampians
- Southern Grampians
- West Wimmera.
The allowance provides up to 13 weeks of income support for workers and sole traders who have experienced loss of income due to the recent bushfires.
It is available to people who work or live in a declared Local Government Area and:
- have lost some or all of their income as a direct result of the disaster, and
- will earn less than the average Australian weekly income in the 13 weeks following this income loss.
Find information regarding eligibility and how to claim on the Services Australia website.
Support for businesses
Bushfire recovery business supports
If your business or industry has been impacted by the bushfires, support is available to assist with your immediate and long-term recovery.
Upcoming supports include:
- Business Recovery Advisory Service – free business support for impacted businesses, via telephone, online or in-person for impacted businesses, to find the right strategies for long-term recovery.
- Business Bushfire Recovery Grant Program – $5,000 grants to small businesses, including eligible primary producers, that have experienced significant disruptions and revenue losses due to the bushfires.
Register your interest to receive updates on the recovery grants and other related supports as they become available.
Liquor licence waiver
If you are affected by disaster and hold a liquor licence you may request a waiver of your liquor licence renewal fee. Complete the fee waiver application on the Liquor Control Victoria website.
Resources for businesses
Business Victoria - Prepare, respond and recover – Useful information and resources for businesses to access after a major emergency.
Returning home after a bushfire
After a bushfire has passed, conditions may still be dangerous. If you have evacuated, do not return home until emergency services say it is safe to do so. When returning home, watch for hazards such as fire-affected trees or damaged roads and footpaths.
There may be damaged asbestos on a property following a fire. The safest way to have asbestos removed is to hire a licensed removalist.
Information and factsheets
- Australian Red Cross – Returning home after a bushfire - Practical questions to consider if you are returning home after a bushfire.
- Better Health – Bushfire aftermath - safety tips - Advice about how to protect your safety when returning home, including inspecting your property and cleaning up your home.
- Victorian Building Authority – Bushfire resources and guides - Guidelines that cover hazards that can be found on properties after a bushfire and who to contact. Additional resources can be found on the VBA website including a guide to a safe return to your property after a bushfire.
- Agriculture Victoria – What to do after a bushfire - Advice for farmers who have experienced agricultural impacts from a bushfire, such as losses of stock and farming assets.
If your property was damaged, the Insurance Council of Australia has information about:
You can also contact:
- A financial counsellor through the National Debt Helpline - 1800 007 007
- The Australian Financial Complaints Authority for independent dispute resolution for financial complaints
- Disaster Legal Help Victoria to speak to someone about your legal questions
Health and wellbeing
People can have varied reactions after a disaster. there is practical information and advice for:
- Helping yourself after a disaster
- Helping a friend or family member after a disaster
- Helping older adults after a disaster
- Understanding how frightening events can affect children
Support services
Support for people impacted by family violence
There is a link between disasters and an increase in family violence. It can happen to anyone.
1800RESPECT is available for free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to support people impacted by family violence. To talk to someone:
- Call 1800 737 732
- Text something like “hello” to 0458 737 732, or
- Chat online at 1800respect.org.au
Reach out for support
If you or a loved one needs extra support, there are services that can help:
- Reach out to family, friends or neighbours
- Contact your GP
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636
- Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800
Last updated 5:20pm Monday 24 February 2025